Riptide WFB Pivot Cups 96a Caliber Cast Trucks

15,90 €
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Riptide WFB Pivot Cups 96a Caliber Cast Trucks

Set of 2 pivotcups.
Please choose Generation 1 or 2.

  • Sold as Pair

  • Specifically designed for Caliber Cast Trucks

  • Lively & Responsive

  • Hand-poured into Custom-made molds, then the cup end is machined to fit the truck's base plate perfectly

  • No machining imperfections and no heat-affected zone in the super smooth pivot contact area

  • RipTide's exclusive Internally Lubricated WFB Urethane in 96a

RipTide Pivot Cups & Tubes are the result of two years of beta testing in every possible condition that Colorado's high country  can deliver.
RipTide's Pivots are specifically designed for each truck.  We do not offer universal styles because of the compromises a universal pivot forces you to make.  In some cases, we offer both tubes & cups for the same truck.  Both offer the smooth turning benefits of RipTide's exclusive internally lubricated WFB Urethane in 96a, but the Tube offers even lower friction due to the reduced surface contact with the nose of the hanger.

About RipTide:

RipTide Sports, the parent company of RipTide Bushings,  is dedicated to providing 'new to the industry' products that are based on innovative, sustainable designs and manufacturing processes.

Our goal is to be your go-to resource for products specific to the Longboard Market that will help you to customize, tweak and just plain.
Make That Ride Fun Again!

We believe in Longboarding as a healthy lifestyle - more than just a weekend sport.
As such, our focus is on safety and providing products that will help the industry to grow.


Longboarding makes Pavement Bearable


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