NEWS: Anti Hero, Skateshopday, Heroin, Foundation, Pig, TSG, Toy machine.... ×

Seismic Landslide Wheels

64,90 €
incluido 19% IVA , Envío sin coste
disponible de inmediato

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Centerset bearing seat, stoneground running surface, generous double radius.
7.4 oz. each.

Poured in Seismic's breakthrough freeride urethane.

Sold in sets of FOUR wheels.

Sugary, chalky, use whatever terms you like. The grip-to-slip ratio of this new 'thane
is in the perfect zone for smooth, controlled slides with great hookup
and grip when
you need it.

Superior durability compared to other freeride urethanes - due to the advanced
new formula, slightly wider contact patches, and centerset hubs, which make the
wheels completely rotatable.

The softer yellow duro is just grippy enough for comfort through hairpin turns, while
the blues are outstanding for freeride and technical sliding. All-around great wheels
, poured in a fantastic new formul

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